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Old January 8th, 2008, 04:17 AM
Berna Berna is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 52
Posts: 72

I guess I'm still confused. As I mentioned, after I ran this last scan I went to my C drive but the only combofix listed there was a combofix folder. Not sure why the earlier combofix that I posted (which I understand should now be listed combofix2 disappeared), hence, I went into the combofix folder and posted the text documents. I then ran a search for all combofix*.* on my C drive and I found the combofix2.txt (now my first scan) and the combofix.txt (now my second scan) listed in My Recent Documents which I posted above. Incidentally this is the same as the text document I found in the combofix folder. Wow, I hope that made sense.